Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Thing 11 -Twitter

I still unsure about twitter - every time I go onto it I seem to get lost ... or totally absorbed and sidetracked - I can't decide! The amount of information on there is very humbling and if I'm being honest, I do find it a little overwhelming. I find the platform very different from facebook and perhaps that is where the problem lies - I'm trying to get it to conform to something that it is not every going to be. My Twitter is professional only and I find that a big challenge is finding time to explore and become truly familiar with it - with only 17 tweets I still view myself as a beginner but have gained confidence from this exercise by discovering that I knew perhaps a little more than I thought I did! I have found it fascinating to search for ideas and follow influential people in my field as well a colleges that I have met face to face as well as those who work further a field. I feel that my twitter journey is just at the beginning but I look forward to coming back and caring out the more advanced activities. 
My Twitter dictionary: 
Tweet - a micro blog - can be words (very limited) images or videos.
Follow Feed - The ability to see all of a persons tweets and settings can allow you to be notified when they post something new. 
Direct Message - A personal message sent from one person to another
Retweet - Re posting of a picture, microblog or video that somebody else has posted first. this can be done either with or without comment.  
Hashtag - a way to search and organise ideas - #SSSC23things groups all information about 23 things and allows a person to search for information. 
Handle - Twitter username - mine is Sarah.Nicol@SLN2018
Mention - Using the @ symbol to alert someone to have them notified about your post - similar to facebook tagging. 

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